

Since the 1980′s, I have worked with the Haw River Assembly, a grassroots citizens’ organization dedicated to protecting and restoring the Haw River and its tributaries, and to building a community that supports this vision.  I helped found and for many years coordinated Haw River Watch, our citizen stream monitoring project, teaching about river ecology to folks of all ages.  Every fall, I participate in the Haw River Learning Celebration, working with other volunteers to offer fourth-graders a hands-on educational field day on the banks of the Haw.

Having a lot of the Artemis goddess-archetype in me, I have written many songs celebrating the beauty and sacredness of the earth.  I believe it heals us, teaches us, gives us strength, and is inseparable from our existence.  Earth is Holy, Beautiful River, Your Wonders Never Cease, One World One Planet, Come Home to the Earth, I Am Gaia, are some favorite earth songs.

View some photos of Cynthia’s work on the river.